Friday, February 10, 2006

VIOBA Foundation

Currently, I am into my second term serving as the honorary secretary of VIOBA Foundation. VIOBA Foundation is part of VIOBA, albeit with different aims, objectives and, of course, constitutions. VIOBA is an acronym for the Victoria Institution Old Boys' Association. VIOBA itself was founded in 1922 and, yes, it is an alumni for past students of Victoria Institution (VI).
VIOBA Foundation was set up in the seventies with the objective of helping past and present VI students in terms of their studies, financially, like giving out interest-free loans and providing financial aid. We also have been funding VI in the various annual school activities like the Sports Day, the Speech Day and the Financial Grant to present VI students. Tens of thousands of ringgit had been spent and will be spent in line with VIOBA Foundation's aims. For the record, all VIOBA members are automatically members of VIOBA Foundation also. The latter's board is voted by VIOBA members during the combined annual general meeting usually held in April or May of each year.
How is VIOBA Foundation funded? Everyone, especially successful Victorians, are invited to set up a named scholarship fund of their choice with a minimum tax-free contribution of RM20,000. This sum is then placed into fixed-deposit accounts and various selected financial institutions. The funds derived from interest gained from these fixed-deposit accounts are the source of income for VIOBA Foundation. At the moment, there are currently more than 50 named scholarship funds with accumulated funds exceeding RM2.5 million. Dato' Jaffar Indot has been the Foundation's Chairman for many, many years and it is hoped that he will continue his excellent work in helming this organisation.

Below are the office bearers of VIOBA Foundation for 2005/2006:

Chairman: Dato' Jaffar Indot
Vice-Chairman: Mr. Patrick Chiam Tow Loon
Hon. Secretary: Me
Hon. Treasurer: Mr. Zolkefli Muhamad
Committee Members: Ms. Aziah Abu Bakar, Mr. Andrew Abishegam, Mr. Mohamed Firouz Asnan, Mr. Mohd. Talha Haji Masodi, Mr. K. Rajkumar and Mr. K. Sureson
Ex-Officio: Mr. Yusli Mohamed Yusoff (VIOBA President) and Mr. Praba Ganesan (VIOBA Hon. Secretary)



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