Sunday, August 02, 2009

People Whom I Hate (Part I)

The people I resent most are those who bring massive deaths, painful sufferings, untold despair and wanton destruction of both mankind and Planet Earth. Two examples come immediately to mind. First, Israel's mind-boggling ego that they think they are entitled to the land that they forcefully occupy presently. And their seemingly stubborn resistance to international pressure to recognise Palestine as a rightful sovereign state. This does not include the uncountable misery, deaths and torture that they have propagated against the people of Palestine. Why must Israel still enlarge their area of the building of homes of their people on occupied land? Is this not daylight massive disregard for international laws??? And the United Nations are just PURE HOPELESS in this regard! Secondly, the United States of America. The WORLD'S BIGGEST BULLY!!! Who could forget Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and, now, Afghanistan. Don't get me wrong. I'm not against the people of USA. It is the ADMINISTRATION that I deeply resent and forever abhor. Enough said!!!



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