Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Double Standards And The Big Satan

Some people call the US "The Big Satan". I personally feel the same way about the Bush administration. The US are prone in practicing double standards. A clear example is the Iranian nuclear issue. The Bush administration trumpets loudly that the Iranian government are procuring nuclear capabilities to build nuclear weapons. This is a clear bullshit from President Bush!
Remember the Iraqi invasion? Bush claimed that there were weapons of mass destruction (WMD) stored secretly on Iraqi soil. They were "scarred". So what the US did? They unilaterally attacked the sovereign country of Iraq, killing hundreds of civilians, many of them women and children, in the process. And the best part was that when the US troops finally conquered Iraq, the WMD were no where to be found.
In Iran's case, if the US expect them not to build any nuclear weapons, the Bush administration should make sure that the US destroys all of its nuclear weapons. Why must the US keep all these weapons that can overkill and destroy planet earth many times over? The cold war is over. What is the need for all these dangerous weaponry? Who would want to launch a full scale war against the US?
After the 911 aftermath, the US has become increasingly paranoid and is chasing shadows. Now, all Muslims are labeled as terrorists, which is a blatant lie and, of course, is not true. Islam in itself means peace. How can Bush make such wild and unfounded accusations? This is another double standard, which also exists in other areas such as world trade.
In my humble opinion, the recent Katrina hurricane tragedy is God's way of showing the US that it had erred in its ways. If Bush thinks that he can get away with anything, just wait for God's answer!



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