Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Health Is Wealth

One of my friends' favorite quote is "Money is not everything. But it sure ranks up there with oxygen". :-) Or something like that. I may not be the Planet's richest person, but I sure pride myself with keeping myself healthy. Many take health for granted because only when you are sick that you value health. Money, of course, cannot buy health. It took me an illness of about ten days to make me wonder if I had also taken my health for granted. The answer is "YES". I smoke cigarettes like nobody's business, never exercise, except for regular walks to the eateries near my home and another thing that many don't take seriously is that you should refrain from taking iced drinks. Iced drinks?! Huh?! Maybe it depends on what country you are in. But in my hot and humid motherland of Malaysia, almost everybody cannot resist the temptation of having some iced drinks. Well, I had a really bad sore throat so much so that somehow or rather, I managed not to drink anything cold. Yes, I continued smoking, but, eventually with the continuous intake of hot or lukewarm water, my throat sort of got better. A miracle, huh? No! No! No! In hot weather, you are advised against taking any iced drinks or any cold drinks if you can help it. You see, when you drink these, your body will give a negative reaction and the first anatomy to suffer is, you guess it right, your throat. Sorry, I don't know the exact mechanism of how the throat gets infected, but, trust me, I have been through "throat hell". Just refrain from cold or iced drinks in a hot environment if not for my sake, at least, for yours. Cheers!



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