Monday, December 27, 2010

The New Year 2011 And Me

Well, 2011 is only a few days away. Many are eagerly anticipating the New Year's Eve celebrations. Another new year means I am getting older, and hopefully more wiser. Actually I cannot remember if I had made any resolutions last year. But for 2011, I have narrowed them down to three. Firstly, I aim to earn more cash online. Yes, make money on the internet. Part of it involves my e-book which I have been working on for the past three years. Hopefully, I will be able to complete writing it sooner rather than later. And I really hope the publishers will be able to take my e-book under their wings. Do I hear sounds of ka-ching? Hmmm. Hopefully! Secondly, I am to provide more for my family. Financially, things are a bit tight for my family. I had a bit of good fortune that I inherited some real cash from my beloved late mum. Part of that money went to pay off some debts while the rest was spent on buying a 40" Sony LCD television. Now, we can view in style. My wife and I also decided to subscribe to the High Definition (HD) package of the local pay TV. We are to split the monthly bill. With more significant income from the internet, I plan to buy things that my family needs and also start an education fund for my daughter. For the latter, I have modest aims, but to save for her future education will be a wise move and I hope she will appreciate whatever amount of funds that I have managed to save for her when she finishes schooling and when she embarks on tertiary education. I have around four years minimum left to save. Last, but not least, I aim to reduce my debts. This is easier said than done. But, I do not want to die owing money to the whole world. Family and friends come into the picture and I know that they will very much appreciate the cash that I will return to them after borrowing from them in the first place. Other than that, I pray for world peace, health and happiness for all. Happy New Year 2011 !



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