Tuesday, October 17, 2006


The importance of focus can never be underestimated. It is important to stay focussed on anything you do as it will help make your plans a success. Some of my friends say that I am guilty of not focusing on what I am currently doing. Well, I beg to differ. Having mastered the art of multi-tasking while serving as a banker in a local Malaysian commercial bank helps me a lot to accomplish many different things in a short span of time. Of course, you need a "to do" list in order to be organized. You are not expected to remember everything that needs to be done most of the time. I stay organized by writing what I am supposed to do on a short, medium and long-term periods. In this way, I do not lose focus on what needs to be accomplished. Another essential skill necessary is to prioritize your goals. Certain things need to be done urgently, while others can be done without any deadlines. Setting deadlines helps to get you moving as some of us tend to procrastinate unnecessarily. I do procrastinate on certain things and this is one aspect I need to improve on. Back to focus, it is easy to see that when you concentrate on doing something, it invariably gets done with minimum distractions. Anyway, all of us have our own peculiar way of doing things. You know yourself best.



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