Sunday, September 20, 2009


Allahu-Akbar! Allahu-Akbar! Allahu-Akbar! Walillah-Hilham!

I would like to take this opportunity to wish all Muslims a "HAPPY EID MUBARAK" 1430H.

May our Ramadhan fasting be accepted by God. May God bless all of you!


Sunday, September 13, 2009

PalmBux PTC

I joined PalmBux last week. Its statistics are impressive. Nearly two years old. Nearly 150,000 members. Nearly US$300,000 paid. Highly recommended to join. To join for FREE, please click on the banner below now.


End Of An Era, A New One Awaits

Thursday, 10th September, 2009 was the last day for the Ujian Penilaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR), or, the Primary School Evaluation Examination. My daughter sat for the UPSR with such coolness that both her parents could only admire. She did not panic, did not experience any panic attacks nor did she burn the midnight oil nor did she cramped six years of study in a single night. At one point of time a few months before the UPSR, I was actually worried whether my daughter could handle the first major school public examination of her life. Admittedly, she was struggling in her studies earlier on and my wife and I decided that it was high time to get her enrolled into a nearby tuition center. There was no immediate improvement. It came slowly, but surely. And on the week before the UPSR, she got help and tips from two of her cousins who had been through it. The results will be out in November, but it remains to be seen whether the former will match my daughter's expectations. Shahidatul Soleha, my daughter, my darling, my sweetheart; whatever results you achieve, papa knows that it is not from your lack of trying. You have given your best and for that papa is more than satisfied and proud to be your papa. Go Soleha! Go girl!


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