Sunday, January 08, 2012

The Hard Life And Goodbyes, Part II

I thought I have lost her forever. Fate decided otherwise. Towards the end of September, 2011, I decided to SMS her. This I did after performing some special prayers. My prayers were answered and she did reply my SMS. She had requested my help for a problem she was currently facing. Gladly, I managed to help her out and our relationship was back to normal. When she was out of my radar, I always thought about her and wondered how she was doing. It is now more than three months after she came back into my life. I treat her as a close friend and I am extremely happy that she has welcomed me back into her life. It was all a misunderstanding. Sometimes, misunderstandings could cause friction even between the best of friends. I forgave her. Now she is looking for a day job. I know it would not pay her much. But at her age and point in her life, she needs stability. I know I cannot support her financially. This is out of the question. The best I can do is offer her a kind ear to listen to her problems. Quite recently, she faced a fresh set of problems from her ex-husband. I cannot do much, but support her decisions and offer her my wisdom. By normal standards, she is very independent for a single parent and I truly admire what she has accomplished in her life. I do learn from her and I pray for her success, if not in this mortal world, in the everlasting hereafter.



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